Daughter of GOD.

Love adventure.
Totally rock at the rip stick!
Love my Doggie.

Got to be a flower girls
for the first time.

Love to craft with my mom..
11 years old today!Abbie has been busy sense her last birthday. This Summer she tried out for a competition dance team and made it. She added lots of dance hours to her list and just finished 2 competitions and placed in all dances.. This last year Abbie was in a school play called "Suessical the Musical and was the cutes purple platapus ever. Abbie is always looking for someting to be involved in.
Sense Abbie is surounded by Boys it's jump in and show them who you are.. Abbie's big brother Spencer got a "Rip Stick" this last year Abbie just jumped on it and started riding it aroundthe island in the kitchen and before you know it! BAM! she was a pro... She totally impressed the grown-up neighbor men who couldn't do the "Rip Stick" to save their life. That is one of the things that I admire most Abbie. She is not affraid to just jump in and go! Abbie is more agrasive at sports than her brother are. I dare say.. She may not be as good but she really is great at sports. Abbie would win a metal for determination... When she played basket ball a little over a year ago she was the best little guard on the team.. She would make the offense so mad they would try to karate chop her arms just to get her out of the way.. She was like a fly on honey, she was not backing down. I have to say it was so fun to see the face of the person she was guarding... Pure frusteration (he,he).
This summer Abbie got to be a flower girl for her Aunt Gingers wedding... She and all the girls were so Adorable. Abbie's big request was to get her hair straightned for the wedding.. Kinda funny most people are curling there hair for special ocassions...
A few days after Abbies and moms birthday we sent to Disneyland.. That was amazing of course.. We had a birthday party at the Disney Hotel and had a special family dinner party at Goofy's kitchen. We had balloons, cake, singing and a badge that said we had a birthday dinner with Goofy.. They even gave us party favor bags. Sense it was our b-day we got to wear badges around Disneyland all the employees then have to wish you a happy birthday.. It was cool.. They don't just say happy birthday they ask you about it ect.. COOL! They only bummer about Abbie's birthday at Disneyland was she is now concidered an Adult.. So basicly we have 5 Adults and one child now... Talk about exspencive :( The 5 year old can eat more that she can.
Abbie is a litle crafter.. she has here own little craft corner that she enjoyes collecting craft supplies. She even has her own die-cut machine. She sometimes doesn't her craft area because she hates to clean it.... so sad...
Abbie is totally over Hannah Montana! She says :
"she is totally in-appropriate! She is dating a guy that is so much older that her mom! I am so done liking her!"
I say darn whatever... at least we were not old enough for the whole Britney Spears stage!
Abbie just started a new school a few weaks ago.. She is now at the neighborhood school and not the Charter school. She is really having a great time getting re-aquanted with the neighborhood friends.. The teacher asked if anyone new Abbie and over half the class rased their hands.. One of the major bummers for us is... She was 1 of 18 kids in here old class.. Now she is # 38 YIKES!!!! That sucks.. Public school for you. Abbie misses her old teacher but is really enjoying her new teacher and friends.. She even get to walk to and from school when she feels like it. I now have all 4 kids at different schools.. Weird!!!
Abbie is a really sweet and tender hearted girl.. She is always striving to make good choices. Abbie is a very creative and lively person. She can be really shy sometimes.. One of the best examples is.. She is great to dance at a Competition, but having to sing at an audition... Yikes.. Stage fright.. Abbie has developed a little reading bug lately. She keeps checking out books at school reading them at night and finishing them. Then next day exchanging them for another. What a cool new thing for Abbie. What an improvment. We love reading bugs... Abbie is a party planner.. In January our little doggie had his first birthday with us..(we have no idea how old her really is) so Abbie decided to have a party.. It was a family night and she printed out pictures of bones and paw prints then cut them out and pasted them all over the wall. She made a special little banner for the doggie and placed his bed just under the festivities.. We even played games she had planned.
Abbie really enjoys Activity day she loves her leader and friends there as well. I am not looking forward to this next year.... WHY? Because that means she is getting older. The next thing you know she will be in Jr High.. She is not old enough of tall enough for that.. I am not ready for all that.. It all just goes to fast...
Abbie we are so proud of you and wish you a very
HAPPY 11th Birthday..Love,
Mommy and Daddy
all the boys.