Saturday, November 1, 2008

MOM! I'm a teenager now!

Happy 13th Birthday Spencer!

Mom and Dad made a cake with Spencer's favorite guy in mind "Jack Skelington".

What a handsome young man Spencer is turning into.

Spencer, Dad, and Andrew Disneyland "08" Our little boys are sure growing up. 
Spencer played Soccer this last spring. He playing the "Forward" position Spencer makes a great Goalie.
Spencer swimming at the Clayton family's pool in Summerlin, Las Vegas this last spring. Spence loves visiting the Clayton's just as much as Disneyland.  

And we have another teenager in the house! Spencer has been reminding me for a long while know that he is going to officially be a teenager on (XX) amount of days.. I say " Wahoo! Luck me! What a fun time of life for Spence. I absolutly loved junior high. I was so ready to leave Elementary and make new friends. What a great two years I had. Lucky Spencer get 3 years where we live in Middle school he has 7-9th. I would have loved an extra year at good old "Clayton Junior High" I miss all my friends that went to Highland High While I went to East High. With the exception of my best girlfriends Lis my BFF sense kindergarten and Jen my BFF from Junior high. Ironically all three of us went to the "University of Utah" together as well. While all of our friend/traders went to BYU. We also join the same Sorority together.

Back to Spencer. Spencer just finished his first Quarter/term in 7th and made the Honor Roll. He is so good about motivating himself for the most part. I have had more that a few late nights these last few weeks up with him while he finished his report on "Brigham Young" for Utah History and "Andy Worhol" for Art History. Know one ever told me I had to go back to Junior High so many times ...Well I still have 2 repeats to go. Spencer is not currently in any sport. He is going to tryout for the school basketball team really soon. Last year he played in a city league but being in 7th grade is awhole new world. Spencer just finished helping plan and participating in the school Halloween Carnival and did a great job. Today Spencer and Andrew attended a Utah County council scout "POW-POW" they are taking class to advance in there scout rankings. Spencer just passed his board of review last Sunday and is now a "Star" and is working on his "Life". Andrew is one away from earning his "Life" maybe they can receive their "Eagle" ranks together. Spencer is such a great kid. I always have people come up to me an pay such great compliments about him. He is the kind of kid you send out into the world and don't worry about his choices. He has a lot of integrity about him. Spencer has a few friend that can get permission to just about anything as long as Spencer is going. They know that he will help them to make good choices. One of the Coolest things about Spence is that he is not afraid to leave if things are not right and we have received phone calls from mom's to thank him for his good example. Mom's always feel like they are doing there job when they send their kids out into the world and they are making good choices. Spencer is a gentleman as well. He hold the door open and has learned to wait until everyone is served to eat. Spencer is not with out fault believe me he has a little temper every know and then. Especially if it's his night for dishes. When he gets a little testy he gets it out quickly and doesn't let it eat at him. After a little disagreement he ALWAYS comes and apologies for acting "Stupid or being a Jerk" as he says. Spence and the kids ended piano this summer. Due to their teacher having a 3 baby. They were all so excited to quit. DANG says mom. Spencer and Andrew were getting so good too. Spencer has an amazing voice but is way to shy to share it. I once threatened him with voice lessons to keep him in piano. (he,he I am bad mom) Spencer is not as much a die hard Sports fan as his dad and brother are. He is a UTAH fan and a bit of a BYU fan as well. He likes to go to the Utah games with the guys but not all the time he lets Abbie take his place now and then. Spencer is a great help in the Kitchen and loves to cook. He is a huge fan of "Food Network" as is the family. He has his own cook books and Chef attire. Spencer really enjoys science and how things work. Spencer is a great brother and is trying to learn patience. (aren't we all) Spence is also a magnet for really cute friends too(wink-wink) but would kill me if I said anymore. Spencer is the one kid that will go to bed the rest are just plain RATS! Spencer's room on the other hand is always in need of help. He is always behind on his laundry. And when he is doing his laundry you can tell, the walls start to shake and the noise coming from the washroom.. Yikes! You could say he like to make his loads efficient (overloads) I should say. At least he is trying.

List of Spencer's current favorites:
Games: cards, board, Wii-Kung foo Panda (b-day present)
Movies: Comedy- Brian Regan, Home along, Young Frankenstein", Monty Python, Nightmare Before Christmas, Kung-Foo Panda
Treat: Kit-Kat
Collects: Nightmare Before Christmas-shirts, pins.
Book/Author: Erragon/ Cornelia Funk and has a good wish list.
Sports team: UTAH & a little BYU, What ever team he is playing on. Andrew school team.
T.V. shows: Myth Busters, Rewind, Food Network
Cloths: Anything but his school Uniform.
Seasons: Spring and Fall.
Pastime: Hanging out with the Family.
Wants to be a Pediatrician when he grows up. I think he would be great! Spence is so good with kids. SPENCER BABY SITES IF YOU NEED A BREAK. He is happy to not have to watch Zach. (should I say wrangle)